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October 4: Ordination
Photos from the North American College photo service
Praying before the ordination
- Processing in
- In the background
- In procession
- Announcing my presence
- Promising obedience
- Prostration
- Receiving the book of the Gospels
- Promising obedience
- Imposition of hands
- Receiving the book of the Gospels
- Receiving the book of the Gospels
- All of us
- With family
- Back at the NAC
- Back at the NAC
- Dad and I: the Deacons Gray
- With many friends
October 4: NAC Reception
October 4: Vespers of St. Francis (leaflet)
October 5: Mass of thanksgiving (leaflet)
October 6 & 7: Celebrating in Spain
Sit nomen Domini benedictum in sæcula!